OK, so a day of rest may sound a little foolish after only one day of riding, but we were really in need of it. We have been running full steam ahead with packing up the house and all the preparations for this trip that we were both exhausted. This morning, the rain started just after we completed our morning yoga practice – I took that as a sign that we shouldn’t be riding. We decided to spend another day in the hotel and relax.
Upon reflection, we are realizing that we need to take it easier on ourselves when we are riding. Yesterday was stressful because of the rain but also because of the late start. We needed to get to our nights destination before the sunset. We arrived in Perth with not a lot of time to spare. However, our bodies would have been happier if we had allotted more time for breaks and occasionally getting off the bikes and walking around a bit. We are going to have to learn to slow down.
So our plan for tomorrow is to possibly make it to Kingston. It is about 100km, which is long, but we will have the entire day to do it. If we get going early (we are usually up by 7am) then we’ll have lots of time for breaks. We are also allowing ourselves the option of not going all the way to Kingston. There are several potential places for camping or staying between here and there.
So, it is now time for me to read my book … and maybe reorganize the panniers a little!
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