We are going, heaven knows where we are going …

We are going, heaven knows where we are going, but we know with-in.
And we will get there, heaven knows how we will get there, but we know we will.
It will be hard, we know, and the road will be muddy and rough, but we’ll get there, heaven knows how we will get there, but know we will.
by Loughty Amoa, Solomon Amarfio, Robert M. Bailey, Roy Bedeau, Francis T. Osei, Whendell K. Richardson, and Mac Tontoh

Today’s church service started with this song, which really resonated with me. It was like the song was written specifically for us and was appropriate to mark the beginning of our journey.

Technically speaking, our journey doesn’t begin until July 4th, when we leave Ottawa for our world tour, but in some ways the beginning is tomorrow. Tomorrow morning (or more likely afternoon looking at how organized we are – NOT) we will load up our bikes and begin our shakedown cruise around Lake Ontario. I can’t believe the time has finally come. I only with the weather was a little more agreeable.

This trip will be a journey in more ways that one. It will be a spiritual journey and an emotional one, in addition to the physical journey. So, although we have an idea where we are going physically, it is the spiritual and emotional journeys where we know we are going, but we don’t really know where!


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